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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
5 min read
Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      5 min read
      Ivanha Paz
      Ivanha Paz
      Content Writer at Talkpush

      VXI Case Study: Injecting Automation with a Personality

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
      Let’s jump on a call and explore how Talkpush can help your team.

      BPO, VXI, eliminated over half of its manual recruitment processes with Talkpush automation and added a personal touch to improve employer branding.

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      Renowned BPO, VXI, focuses on providing contact center services for businesses around the world. With headquarters in Los Angeles and 5 locations in the Philippines, they needed a solution to fulfill their volume hiring needs, especially faster sourcing and more efficient processing.

      They knew that in order to hire the most qualified candidates, faster, automation was key. So, they got to work with Talkpush and set up a custom bot to funnel their leads, as well as bucket the results of particular candidates. This way, they were able to stop the process of tracking each job campaign manually using multiple Excels, which was making it impossible to get a wide view of performance.

      More Automation, More Data


      With their custom bot, Vixie, as their main sourcing tool, they are able to acquire all candidate data, as well as campaign performance all in one place. Inside the Talkpush CRM’s analytics dashboard they can easily see what’s working or what needs to be changed, and their recruiters don’t have to spend hours organizing cumbersome Excel sheets and scraping data from multiple platforms.

      “Since Talkpush, there has been a big change. It really allows us to easily work on our candidates, a chunk of the manual process has been eliminated; even questions like ‘how many applications did we receive?’ We’re able to quickly look at the analytics and get an answer.” Mariel De Guzman, Talent Acquisition Manager, VXI

      1500 Hires a Month

      Turn around time has also been greatly reduced, especially in the case of referrals. VXI now takes less than 24 hours to contact both applicants and referred candidates upon first touch, capitalizing on opportunities that might have been missed before — since the manual process of approval or assigning a recruiter to each new application has been eliminated. It’s all automated inside the Talkpush platform.

      “We leave no stone unturned, we are able to really reach all candidates, those who voluntarily apply, or the ones that are manually generated referrals. We can see the new applications coming in in real time, and recruiters are automatically assigned to candidates.” Mariel De Guzman, Talent Acquisition Manager, VXI

      Vixie also has pre-screening capabilities, which allow recruiters to set parameters for basic qualifications, like education, minimum age requirement and location — automatically shortlisting qualified candidates for interviews and rejecting those who don’t make the cut — saving them time to focus on top talent.

      This means an exponential increase in processed candidate volume, to a whopping 160 candidates daily. With a 30% hiring rate, they’re currently hiring over 1500 candidates a month.

      Vixie: “Your Story Begins Here”


      One of the most important factors for this BPO was to hone in on employer branding, and truly attract the most qualified talent, with the right mindset. They decided that one of the best ways to do so was to use their recruitment bot as a channel to relay their culture. Not only does Vixie pre-screen candidates for basic qualifications, she’s a representation of VXI — with her tone, penchant for funny GIFs, and nurturing personality she lets potential candidates know the kind of workplace they’d be stepping into.

      “With Vixie’s personality, we’re basically trying to communicate that VXI is a company that cares about its employees. We actually linked her to our tagline, “your story begins here.” We’re telling them this is home, if you work with us this is going to be your home.” — Mariel De Guzman, Talent Acquisition Manager, VXI

      With a 70% completion rate, well above industry average, Vixie has become an important asset to the VXI brand and recruitment operations.


      70% Candidate Satisfaction, 24 Weekly Recruiter Hours

      VXI wanted to reduce recruiter fatigue by freeing them from tedious tasks using Talkpush automated workflows, but acquiring a new tool poses a learning curve. To encourage adoption VXI and Talkpush set down to standardize naming conventions, and set up custom folders that would best align with the company’s needs. This way the Talkpush Customer Success team was able to work with VXI and come up with a strategy all recruiters would understand and know how to follow.

      Recruiters can now delight their best candidates by giving them the attention they need while still offering every applicant a seamless experience. They now respond to candidates instantly, and have reduced their time to hire from 3 days to 24 hours and under.


      And, it’s working. The company’s latest candidate satisfaction rate stands at 70%.


      The Numbers Tell it Best

      With Talkpush, VXI improved recruitment performance across every stage of the funnel.

      • Reduced response time from 1 hour to 0! (instant replies)

      • Reduced time to hire from 3 days to under 24 hours

      • Saved recruiters 24 hours per week

      • Processed 160 candidates daily

      • Increased hiring rates to 30% resulting in 1500 hires per month

      • 50k Talkpush generated leads per month

      • Obtained a 70% candidate satisfaction rate!

      Automate your recruitment Process with Talkpush

      Talkpush is the new way employers and candidates connect all over the world. Hiring is about starting conversations, automation makes it possible at scale. Want to know more? Schedule a call 👇


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