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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
5 min read
Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      5 min read
      Ivanha Paz
      Ivanha Paz
      Content Writer at Talkpush

      How the No-Code Revolution Coincided with the Rise of Introverted Recruiters

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
      Let’s jump on a call and explore how Talkpush can help your team.

      Recruiting, a career path that used to favor people with winning smiles, salesmanship and lots of hustle, now favors a whole new set of skills based on design and automation. 

      Talent-AquisitionblogThe no-code revolution transformed recruiters from “people people,” to experienced designers of the candidate experience. The skills that top recruiters need today are not the same as they were 5 years ago or even 12 months ago. Of course, being empathetic and warm is still very important when it comes to interviewing candidates, but that typically happens when 90%+ of candidates have already been sourced, engaged with, educated on the company and pre-screened for a position. In other words, interviewing is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to recruiting today. 


      Talent Acquisition has transformed rapidly, notably in high volume recruitment (e.g. hourly workers, blue collar workers, graduate hires, field teams, etc.) , leveraging automation and social media to engage with 10x to 100x the talent pool that recruiters use to manage. Beyond upping the sourcing on social platforms, the best employers rethought the candidate journey by validating job suitability at the very front of the funnel to minimize the volume of in-person live interviewing that needs to happen. 


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      This redesign work is usually not completed by the IT department. Nor by management consultants. Thanks to the no-code revolution, these new workflows are now designed and implemented entirely by the Talent Acquisition team, with a new breed of recruiters who can “drag and drop” their way through problem solving, predicting possible glitches in the process, eliminating extra steps, re-engagement, and even friendly encouragement. They’re not developers, automation experts, or engineers — hence the no code revolution — but recruiters who thrive in the calm environment of a design studio, mapping out processes, running A/B test campaigns, configuring workflows, and exercising empathy on behalf of the candidates when using technology. Their design skills and tinkering attitude rewards their organization with increased application rates, lower marketing cost per hire, and rich talent pools that become strong competitive advantages in business.  


      Gone are the days when recruiting was the exclusive domain of extraverted, loud folks constantly hitting the phone and asking for favors. The demand for instant communication is rising and employers managing thousands of candidates each month can no longer rely on the sheer energy and hustle of its recruitment team. Pipelining expert, Gillisa Pope, from WilsonHCG recently shared in a Talkpush webinar that a third of hires should come from your existing pipeline, and the only way to keep it active is by constantly engaging with candidates, even after you have passed them up. That’s an activity that can only be performed effectively through automation. 

      Designing a human experience at scale

      As Talent Acquisition made the swift change to remote operations, tech vendors (such as Talkpush) recognized that we needed to fill some of the gap created by those empty offices. How do you replace that warm handshake? Or that smile at the reception desk?  Leading-edge employers turned to digital assistants, using personalized messaging at scale, enabling omnichannel communication (via phone, email, Messenger or WhatsApp), and a host of other tools to make the candidate experience better. 


      This move towards “robot” interactions addresses the number one pain point for candidates : not hearing back after they apply (for more on how to reject candidates nicely, read here). Yes a phone call would be nice, but candidates would much rather get their info from a bot than not at all. The robots are acting based on parameters set by skilled recruiters who know how to keep the process human, even if automated. 


      AutoFlow: the Talkpush “No Code” Workflow Automation editor

      AutoFlow, the Talkpush workflow automation feature, made recruiters the architects of the entire candidate journey. It’s a simple editor that lets recruiters define each stage of the candidate journey based on data criteria. The candidate attributes can affect their outcome and be used to reach a better decision and deliver a better experience, allowing them to personalize things like the rejection notice. 



      Here are some examples of workflows that can be automated with AutoFlow: 

      • Move candidates to the interview stage if they have all the right criteria.

      • Send a SMS to a candidate to ask for data that is missing from their profile.

      • Send an email notification with a candidate profile to a hiring manager if it meets certain criteria.

      • Direct candidates to a certain position based on their geographical coordinates (great for retail).

      • Send a gentle reminder if the candidate stays in the same stage of the process for too long.

      • Re-engagement campaigns with talent: re-engaging with passive candidates who  have interacted with your company but didn't complete a job application by offering them suggestions according to their profile.

      Adecco, the leading global staffing and recruitment firm, have used AutoFlow to create custom folders, allowing them to highlight top candidates for each position, enabling consultants to spend more time on the most relevant applicants. This shift saved each consultant approximately 4 hours every day, hours they now use to connect with the best talent.

      The Augmented Recruiter thrives on social media


      Social media is slowly taking over the job board market. In fact, Facebook and Instagram was the leading sourcing channel for Talkpush customers last year. As more companies adopted remote policies, their talent pools increased exponentially, making Facebook’s 2.8 billion active users the easiest (and cheapest) way to source top talent globally. To put in perspective, LinkedIn has 260 million and Indeed has 175 million. 


      All that extra volume used to need extra hands, but those budgets weren’t available. That’s when chatbots come to the rescue. See for example how PSG Global Solutions, a global RPO, launched Peter, an AIrecruiter chatbot that engages with candidates on Facebook. Peter lets candidates know he’s a bot, but his helpful tone and informative messages are enough to keep candidates engaged at every step of the process. In six months PSG saw their completion rate increase from 37% to 85% with a candidate satisfaction rate of 94%., Consequently, 30% of all of PSG’s hires now come from social media, up from single digits a few years ago.



      Ah… the old days of recruitment!

      A new breed of recruiter has come of age. Quiet assassins that kill their targets without barely hitting the phone. Ingenious architects pulling the strings of the chatbots, setting up the automated reminder sequences, and using tools like AutoFlow to augment their team’s capability. The shift to a more analytical, more cerebral type of recruitment will be criticized by some. LinkedIn will be filled with nostalgic posts yearning for the good old days of recruitment, when all you needed was a phone and a big appetite. But memories tend to fade out the bad stuff… What the TA community shouldn’t forget is that the old model was far from perfect. It forced recruiters into highly repetitive activities, which gradually killed their empathy and their creativity. It created a world where ghosting was considered standard behavior by both recruiters and candidates. It was slowly turning recruiters into robots. For everyone’s sanity, it was high time we tried a different approach.


      👉 Want to hear more about Talkpush’s no-code solution to automated recruitment? Get a demo. 

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