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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
5 min read
Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      5 min read
      Ivanha Paz
      Ivanha Paz
      Content Writer at Talkpush

      How Social Media Became an Integral Part of PSG’s Recruitment Process

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
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      PSG increased their completed applications from 37% to 85% in six months.

      psgmockPSG Global Solutions, a global RPO with a slew of Talent Acquisition solutions offers its customers a tech-enabled approach to source and attract the best talent. Its forward thinking philosophy in recruitment has led the company to become a transformational leader, always at the helm of new processes to increase efficiency and better the candidate experience. In 2017, PSG was already looking for ways to leverage the benefits of social media recruiting in their high volume environment — leading them to Talkpush, a combined chatbot and CRM automation platform.


      “We wanted to find a differentiator for us in terms of getting in touch with potential candidates and our sourcing efforts.” said Rey Gonzaga, Sr. Director Strategic Shared Services, PSG Global Solutions

      Making Personal Connections Scaleable

      Recruiting on Facebook, LinkedIn and even Instagram has many advantages, which smaller companies know very well. Read rates on Facebook Messenger are 10x higher than email and completion rates spike when candidates have the option to complete their application right on their smartphone. The difficulty for firms like PSG who handle a variety of industries at high volume is being able to offer this kind of personalized service to thousands of candidates every hour of every day.

      “It has to be engaging, we operate on a very lean theme. Instead of having people watching over our social media page 24/7,  it could take 12 hours or sometimes even 2 days to get to a candidate. We started to develop a backlog and we were missing out on special candidates because of it.” — Rey Gonzaga, Sr. Director Strategic Shared Services, PSG Global Solutions

      They turned to Talkpush and activated Peter, a custom recruiter chatbot that engages with candidates immediately on Facebook Messenger. Peter lets candidates know he’s a bot, but his helpful tone and informative messages are enough to keep candidates engaged at every step of the process. Just in the last six months PSG has seen their completion rate increase from 37% to 85% with a candidate satisfaction rate of 75.5%.

      “It’s also great that the bot can re-engage candidates who’ve partially completed the process, this used to be manually done before, and it was time consuming and prone to human error, causing us to miss out on potential candidates” — Rey Gonzaga, Sr. Director Strategic Shared Services, PSG Global Solutions

      Innovation and Efficiency

      30% of all of PSG’s hires come from social media. When it comes to generating volume, it’s definitely the most successful tool. Peter, the chatbot Talkpush designed specifically for PSG, helps handle and direct all these candidates, without recruiters having to manually do so, saving them time and providing a delightful experience in the age of immediacy. 


      “It doesn’t take away from any recruiters’ work per se, in fact it saves them from tedious tasks and helps them focus on the things that matter.” — Rey Gonzaga, Sr. Director Strategic Shared Services, PSG Global Solutions

      With Talkpush, PSG has consistently processed over 80% of their candidates every single month, allowing recruiters more time to focus on qualified talent, without having to sift through thousands of candidates who don’t qualify. 


      Ongoing Transformation

      PSG has plans to leverage the Talkpush bot even more by integrating their language and screening assessments. Soon, their candidates will be able to complete the second part of the application process through the bot as well, so that PSG recruiters can focus on interviewing pre-qualified talent and closing the deal.


      What does the data say?

      • +48% increase in application completions

      • Average of 80% processed candidates on a monthly basis 

      • Candidate satisfaction rate of 75.5%

      • 30% of all hires from social media 

      👉 Schedule a call with us to see how Talkpush can help you automate your recruitment process to provide a better candidate experience at scale.

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