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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
5 min read
Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      5 min read
      Ivanha Paz
      Ivanha Paz
      Content Writer at Talkpush

      How [24]7.AI recruitment went fully remote with the help of automation

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
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      In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, [24]7.ai revamped its recruitment workflow using conversational AI and was able to screen +350% applicants

      casehader[24]7.ai, a global digital customer experience leader with deep expertise in conversational AI, and global operations in Philippines, India, LATAM and the US, had to act fast when lockdown hit. A big component of their recruitment process used to depend on candidates going on-site. For their employees' and candidates' safety, [24]7.ai transformed their hiring strategy to make it 100% digital for their candidates. 



      “When lockdown hit, we leveraged automation more than ever before. Using the conversational AI powered by Talkpush for pre-screening, shortlisting and automatically scheduling interviews allowed us to take on the increase in leads without sacrificing our candidate experience.”  

      Me-Ann Batallones, Recruitment Director, [24]7.ai


      By engaging with candidates on Facebook Messenger, 24[7].ai was able to process a lot more candidates — a whopping 250% increase year over year. Using the Conversational AI to pre-screen candidates 24/7, they were no longer limited by the size of their recruitment center operations and were able to handle much increased volumes, doubling their applications in just a few months. 


      annfoto“We used to pre-screen candidates via phone screeners, inviting candidates over to the site. That was a manual process that happened during office hours, v.s now that we use the conversational AI, we can be screening 24/7. When necessary, our recruiters still get to talk to candidates in real time via the Talkpush CRM, both via chat and voice using it also for our phone interviews. When we integrated the chat screening from our end, we were able to filter as many people as possible.”

      Me-Ann Batallones, Recruitment Director, [24]7.ai

      The contact rate improved since they started using Talkpush directly to process applicants and guide them towards the live interviews.

      Constant Communication, Happy Candidates


      [24]7.ai now reports 96% of candidates as having a positive experience, and they saw their lead to application conversion rates increase by +16%.

      247mockFacebook Messenger for improved engagement


      In certain markets, such as the Philippines, Facebook Messenger is the default communication channel for the general population. In those geographies, it benefits from higher read rates, open rates and shorter response time than any other channel. 


      By default, 24[7] engages with candidates through this channel and thus reduced the time it takes candidates to complete their application. 64% of them finish pre-screening in less than 5 minutes. This channel has quickly become the company’s number one communication channel for candidates, regardless of the initial source of traffic. 

      247mock2Driven by numbers

      • +250% increase in lead volumes

      • +350%  the volume of screened applicants

      • +30% increase in pre-screen completions

      • 64% finish pre-screening in 5 minutes or less

      • 96% of candidates report a positive experience.