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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
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Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      5 min read
      Ivanha Paz
      Ivanha Paz
      Content Writer at Talkpush

      Feature Announcement: Talkpush Releases First Messaging Enabled Career Website

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
      Let’s jump on a call and explore how Talkpush can help your team.

      Employers can now start meaningful conversations with their candidates, from the very first click on a job application, right up until their first day at their new job.

      Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 10.13.44 AMTalkpush aims to help its customers deliver a talent-centric recruitment process with a career site that allows candidates to filter all available positions according to their needs. Every job listed on our career website will also be listed by default on Google Jobs, which will help HR teams generate more traffic, as well as on Facebook Jobs — the fastest growing job listing marketplace, particularly for entry level and blue collar jobs.


      Along with this new feature, we’ve launched improved job landing pages which have been redesigned to be intuitive, digestible, and user friendly, with customizable aesthetics so employers can show off their brand colors.


      Google Cloud Talent Solutions

      By integrating with Google Cloud Talent Solutions, Talkpush now offers a complete list of ready-to-fill positions that can be easily searched by candidates. It’s convenient on both ends. All recruiters have to do is configure a campaign inside talkpush, that info is sent to Google automatically — and with all their machine learning magic, they’re able to display the most accurate results regardless of how the candidate is searching for the job. Even if they don’t type the exact title or use the most popular keywords, they’ll find the positions relevant to them. It also helps with geo-locating the searches, for example, a candidate could say “I’m looking for a marketing position in NYC” and it would display all the available options within a 10km radius.


      This is a huge time saver for companies with volume hiring needs and hundreds of campaigns, making it simple to segment their offerings by age, city, brand, preferred store, etc. Each employer has free reign to update or modify their parameters in the way that makes the most sense for their campaigns, all they have to do is update a few columns on Excel, and the platform takes care of the rest.


      Chatbot Search

      We’ve transferred these same capabilities to our chatbot. Candidates can ask your bot about available jobs based on the preferences they would indicate on the job listings search bar. Also, as soon as they click on “apply,” the bot will ask them questions to better guide them to the correct branch, store, or position they’re qualified for. The bot also sends them cards with directions and other little details to enhance their experience.

      WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger Opt In

      Candidates can now decide where they’d like to continue the conversation by subscribing to updates on their preferred channel, WhatsApp or FB Messenger. The option is available right on the career website or job landing page and it’s completely up to each candidate. This way they can continue their job search on their Smartphone, tablet or wherever they’re most comfortable. The WhatsApp bot works similarly to the website bot, sending the same information, with a few modifications adapted to the medium.


      We tailored the offering in a way that made sense for the end user. When using WhatsApp candidates are usually on their phone, so we reduced the number of job listings they receive to 5 per search — anything more can be distracting and they won’t scroll through. We also included links to job descriptions. By taking the basic concepts of what we did with Google Cloud, we were able to leverage the improved job search experience with the appropriate UX on WhatsApp.


      All of this translates into a huge chunk of time saved, for both recruiters and candidates. Using the Google API has allowed us to create a smart filter that doesn’t need to be manually updated. Customers themselves can easily change what they need when they need, even the images on the bot cards — no back and forth between developers and HR. Meanwhile, candidates have readily available and up to date information, which they can access in their preferred medium.


      The best part? There are no extra steps involved. It’s a dynamic feature that operates based on the campaigns that are available inside the CRM, no need to sync up a separate career site. It’s all integrated with the different Talkpush functions already — no manual transferring of info required.


      Video Tutorial


      👉👉👉 For more information on how to use our new career website write us an email at