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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
5 min read
Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      Engage with your local talent pools via GeoSearch

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
      Let’s jump on a call and explore how Talkpush can help your team.

      Talkpush is excited to announce the release of the GeoSearch feature — an advanced search that allows recruiters to engage with talent in localized, customized and personalized way.


      Talkpush has already established itself as a leader in helping employers build large talent pools, with its recruitment chatbots and its social media sourcing engine, engaging with over a million job seekers this past year alone. Today, we are announcing the release of this search engine, which will help recruiters keep those growing talent pools more engaged in a localized manner. GeoSearch allows you to filter candidates with a specific location, and within a certain radius of that location.


      Candidates are first identified by location, extracting this ‘geo’ data during their job application, via web form or a chatbot conversation, or simply finding it in their resume via parsing. With GeoSearch, users can then break down their large talent pools into smaller regions or groups, and send them customized messages.


      Here are 3 examples on how GeoSearch can help you build a strong engagement with your talent tool:


      1. Draw a crowd to your career fair

      GeoSearch is ideal way to reach out to a local group of your talent pool ahead of an upcoming career fair or recruitment event. A couple of days ahead of the event, simply find all the talent pool within a 10-mile radius of your event, and send a mass invitation for candidates to come in. And while you’re at it, tell them to bring their friends!

      Geo Location Search in action

      2. Keep local community communities informed on local company news

      Did your company baseball team win a local competition? Did you organize a fundraiser for a community relief? Or perhaps, your global CEO pay a visit to your new local offices? Whatever the local news is, it may be ill-advised to share it with the whole world for risk of boring them, or worst being seen as spam. Sharing local news with the local community on the other hand is more likely to be positively received. It will keep your local talent pool engaged and make them more likely to foster a positive word-of-mouth while building your local employer brand.


      3. Increase participation in applicant referrals

      By showcasing your local activity, growth, and community involvement, you are much more likely to generate applicant-lead referrals. Just remember to add a call to action in each of your communications, asking candidates to “refer a friend” or something along those lines.

      Narrow your search to a specific geographical radius: “City + x miles”

      Beyond location…. The importance of targeted messaging

      One of our key missions is improving the communication between recruiters and candidates. The task of communicating in a personalized manner can quickly become overwhelming since most Talkpush users work with tens of thousands of candidates. Talking to 10,000 candidates without coming of as “spam” is the formidable challenge posed to today’s recruitment marketing professionals. A few months ago, we had already shared some ideas on how to keep that talent pool engaged (view here), but we believe we are only scratching the surface here. Some groups and communities may be defined by location, others by areas of interest, others by demographics, others by yet other attributes. We look forward to discovering them with you!

      In the coming months, I will be sharing other ways you can filter and engage with different groups within your talent pool so that you can build stronger connections with the talent pool that you’ve spent so much to build. We invite you to send us other ideas and requests on