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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
5 min read
Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      5 min read
      Ivanha Paz
      Ivanha Paz
      Content Writer at Talkpush

      8 Talkpush Features you Might not Know About

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
      Let’s jump on a call and explore how Talkpush can help your team.

      These 8 features are all part of the Talkpush solution, so read up and make sure you’re leveraging all the tools at your disposal as a Talkpush user.

      emergencia2You probably already know the Talkpush standard pitch (or we haven’t been doing our job right) — we are a conversational recruitment platform that enables candidate/recruiter interactions powered by automation. Every day, we accompany hundreds of recruiters and tens of thousands of candidates in their blissful journey! We combine a CRM with a chatbot interface: the bot starts conversations with passive and active talent on multiple platforms like Facebook, SMS, or WhatsApp, which recruiters can track and manage inside the CRM with automated workflows linked to various job campaigns.


      Although that’s the gist of it, Talkpush has been stepping up its game during the past few years, adding new features to provide its customers with end-to-end automation, from first click on the ad to first day on the job. And, to make the experience as seamless as possible for candidates, removing extra steps and allowing them to continue the conversation wherever they want.

      Enough with the introductions, let’s get to what you came here for. These 8 features are all part of the Talkpush solution, so read up and make sure you’re leveraging all the tools at your disposal as a Talkpush user.


      1. “Unassigned” Folder:

      Building an ongoing talent pool requires recruiters to pay attention to active job seekers, but in today’s market — every person who interacts with your brand is a potential job seeker, whether they realize it or not. That’s why we designed unassigned folders, to store all candidates who have interacted with your bot, even though they didn’t end up choosing a position to apply to. Maybe the time wasn’t right, or maybe the position they were looking for wasn’t available, either way those leads can become active with the right offer. The candidates in your unassigned folder might have asked your bot FAQs or checked out openings. Now instead of losing them you have all their data to prepare re-engagement campaigns, send mass messages, and retain them the second time around.


      2. Google-Powered Career Website:

      Talkpush aims to help its customers deliver a talent-centric recruitment process with a career site that allows candidates to filter all available positions according to their needs. Every job listed on our career website will also be listed by default on Google Jobs, which will help HR teams generate more traffic, as well as on Facebook Jobs.Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 10.13.44 AM

      By integrating with Google Cloud Talent Solutions, Talkpush now offers a complete list of ready-to-fill positions that can be easily searched by candidates. It’s convenient on both ends. All recruiters have to do is configure a campaign inside talkpush, that info is sent to Google automatically — and with all their machine learning magic, they’re able to display the most accurate results regardless of how the candidate is searching for the job. Even if they don’t type the exact title or use the most popular keywords, they’ll find the positions relevant to them. It also helps with geo-locating the searches, for example, a candidate could say “I’m looking for a marketing position in NYC” and it would display all the available options within a 10km radius.


      3. Extended Analytics Capabilities:

      Last year, Talkpush launched an embedded analytics dashboard which allowed recruiters to measure candidate behavior and campaign performance right inside the Talkpush platform. Since its launch, we have been adding new metrics as well as options for customization, so that each team can decide which metrics they need and which ones they don’t, for a fully aligned dashboard according to their goals and business needs.

      dashfThe functions that can be currently measured inside Talkpush are:

      • Sourcing channels and efficiency: Where do candidates come from (and how much did it cost to get them)?

      • Recruiter productivity: Which recruiter is performing better and how?

      • Process flow: Are candidates stuck in certain stages of the process?

      • Campaigns: Which sites or campaigns work better than others?

      • Candidate experience: Are candidates happy after applying?

      • Candidate quality/ retention: Do candidates meet with the desired criteria? Do they stay with the company after being hired?

      The analytics also provide insights into multi-country campaigns, allowing for localized efforts in managing and tracking. By scrolling through all the metrics, recruiters will get information such as bottlenecks in the process, optimum sources, and time to complete — at a glance.


      4. Single-Sign-On (SSO):

      We’re aware of how many tools recruiters are juggling, and we also know that something as simple as an integrated sign on can make a big difference. Talkpush offers the possibility for teams to sign on to the platform using their Outlook, Google, or Office 365 account. One less password to worry about.


      5. Optimized Campaign Listing:

      Using the same Google search technology as the career website, Talkpush CRM users can reap the benefits of Google’s machine learning in their own internal searches. Now they can quickly find job campaigns, plus we have increased capacity, accommodating higher volumes without compromising speed or performance.


      6. Candidate Inbound Calls:

      Our customers noticed a gap in our system — when candidates called their help line, they didn’t have a way to match them to their applications inside the CRM. It was difficult to track those who were calling but had already started the process, or those who were reaching out for the first time. We heard you, and we fixed it! Talkpush now offers candidate inbound calls, right inside the platform. By setting up a contact number inside your bot flow, candidates can call you, recruiters will get a pop-up notification inside Talkpush that lets them know, and once they pick up, the call is transferred to their own mobile phones. Not to worry, if recruiters can’t pick up, the candidate is automatically transferred to the next available one and if none are available the candidate can leave a voicemail.
      Screen Shot 2020-02-25 at 12.56.14 PMAll these interactions: phone conversations and voice mails, are saved inside the candidate profile which recruiters can easily access and play back at any time. Now it’s much easier to track candidate calls, length, conversations, and monitor every single type engagement in the same place.



      7. The Talkpush Mobile App:

      emerIf candidates can apply to jobs from the comfort of their Smartphone, why wouldn’t we extend the same courtesy to recruiters who are using Talkpush every single day? By downloading the app on their phone or tablet, recruiters are no longer chained to their desks. They can check up on their candidates, perform filtered searches, look at their dashboard, see incoming messages, and send out individual or mass messages (text, video, or voice). It’s a simpler version of the Talkpush CRM, designed to make recruiters’ lives easier, allowing them to do their job wherever they are.


      8. A community to party with:

      OK, so this isn’t really a feature… more of a perk. Every customer of Talkpush is regularly invited to come to our Recruitment Hackers events, which are happening in some of the coolest cities in the world. See the list of upcoming events here and drop us a note if you want to organize one in your city!