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The Winning Formula Generating High-Quality Leads at Minimal Cost with FB Lead Ads and Messenger in the Philippines

May 14, 2024
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Facebook Lead Ads have become the norm in lead generation for the Philippines, praised for their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. Candidates can instantly share their pre-populated detail...
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      5 min read
      Ivanha Paz
      Ivanha Paz
      Content Writer at Talkpush

      5 (New) Ways to Use Video in your Recruiting Process

      Ready to level up your recruitment?
      Let’s jump on a call and explore how Talkpush can help your team.

      With Talkpush, you can plug in your favorite video call platform right into your automated workflow so that candidates can schedule their own interviews.





      Talent acquisition teams have become more tech savvy with the rise of remote recruiting, adapting their processes into effective remote solutions. A critical part of making a hire is having a face to face conversation, which has led to the rise of Zoom, Skype, and Teams as the “place” where interviewing happens. 

      We surveyed our users and learned that 37% of them are still interviewing most of their candidates via phone calls. 51% have integrated our platform with either Skype, Teams, or Zoom, and only 12% haven’t deployed any type of remote interviewing yet.blogvideo4

      Booking the live video interview effortlessly

      Typically, candidates would receive a calendar invite with a Zoom, Skype or Teams link (or whatever platform you prefer) as soon as they are shortlisted. 


      This shortens the duration of the recruitment cycle considerably, as the next step is scheduled immediately, and the candidate can conduct it from the comfort of their home, without having to commute to site. It also reduces no-shows (aka “ghosting”) since both candidates and recruiters get automated reminders. All candidates have to do now is be by their computers in a well-lit room with decent Internet connection. This ease of access increases the depth and quality of the talent pool. Any delay in moving the candidate along, and you might be losing top talent during the back and forth. Anything that can remove barriers and unnecessary steps is encouraged. 



      Videos make the candidate journey personal at scale


      Video used to be a unique feature for some tech vendors. That’s no longer the case: video is now expected at every step of the journey: for group interviews, assessments, events, and even to assist with on-boarding. Let’s take a look at what a completely automated candidate journey could look like with the help of videos at every step:



      Video to address large crowds

      Virtual Career fairs are an excellent opportunity to use video platforms to attract candidates. With the right set-up TA teams can recreate a feeling of connectedness that you might miss out on during one-on-one videos. You can replicate the closeness and dynamic nature of an on-site career fair online. This method is most effective for junior hires, like university students. You can create break-out sessions to talk about different aspects like compensation, career progression, hiring process and have one recruiter to explain and answer questions in each. Graduates can go straight to the answers they want. As candidates move from the big event to smaller rooms, they’ll find out more about your company and get ready to apply. 


      For tips on how to organize, promote and execute a successful career fair you can watch this video. 👇




      Video to attract them 

      Once they’ve made the decision that your company is right for them, you can keep on adding human elements to the candidate journey with recorded video job descriptions or job ads. At Talkpush all of our job descriptions come with an accompanying video and when we post about a new opening on social media we do so with a video! Here’s an example.

      Screen Shot 2020-09-23 at 11.51.41

      Video to pre-screen them asynchronously

      Automated video assessments have been around for almost two decades, starting with HireVue back in 2000. Although it isn’t new, it’s definitely worth exploring and investing some time in getting right. The beauty of this technology, which is an automated sequence of questions that candidates answer in order to be pre-screened, is that just like a chatbot flow it’s asynchronous, and gives recruiters greater insight into the candidates as they review their responses. We’ve come a long way making this tech more accessible. Candidates no longer have to install a third party app, they can actually complete their video pre-screening right on their preferred messaging app (it can be MMS, WhatsApp, or Messenger). Talkpush chatbots can receive rich media, meaning pictures, videos or audio instead of text. A candidate can complete their video pre-screening questions on these platforms where read rates and open rates are 10x what they are on email, thus considerably improving the completion rate.

      Video to congratulate them!

      Once candidates are automatically shortlisted you can send them pre-recorded videos congratulating them and giving them pointers on what the next steps are — adding a whole other level of connection. In a quick 30 second video you can get the candidate excited as they move down the funnel and encourage them to schedule their interview. In just a few clicks they’ve got their interview! Without real live “human interaction”, you can therefore build strong connection with thousands of candidates and make them all feel pretty special.


      Time to Video Call (TTVC): the new TA killer metric? 

      The new winner of the recruiting game is who gets that video interview completed first, increasing their chances of snagging the best candidate before anyone else.


      How? By giving the candidate the option to hop on the interview right away after being shortlisted. To achieve this, employers would need people at the ready to get on a call. If you’ve set up your process correctly, the candidates who reach this point are the ones you want to talk to, the sooner the better. It’s up to recruiting teams to mold their process to fit this level of immediacy — a surefire requirement in the years to come. 


      Watch the video below to see this in action.




      Visit our help center for more information on all the features Talkpush offers to help you leverage remote interviews through automation.

      👉 Got more questions? Or just curious about how Talkpush can help you leverage video at every step of the candidate journey? Schedule a call with us.

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